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Difficult person to live with?

  • Just a quick background. Come from a broken family. Was on medication for depression and anxiety for around a year and now it's been more than 2 years that i have been off them.
    So anyway, my sister who is not very nice with me says that I am a difficult person to live with but I've never taken it seriously because I have been told by her to die and she has been physically violent with me too so I don't think about it much however recently I've noticed that I don't like to make changes where I have a choice. I don't like people in my room going through my stuff or trying to clean around stuff like that. So one of my cats has a medical condition and I'm extra careful with her food and water etc. Her food bag wasaccidentally cut opened by a family member. I was crazy annoyed because I couldn't find a way to close it air tight. Her food gets weird if it's air tight so anyway I was angry and threw some tupperware and then cried.
    Soo the question is am I becoming a person like those characters in movies that are psychotic and don't like anybody touching or moving their things and live far away from any human being? ( also I must mention that I was very hungry when all this happened)  once I found a solution, surprisingly I was suddenly calm

  • Detachment

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  • Emotionless obsession?

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    That's definitely a good idea, it seems like you don't really know why it's happening. A good psychologist should be able to get to the bottom of it. I hope it's free where you live as there are many bad psychologists that have no idea what they're talking about. I hope you don't have to deal with one. But, you could maybe check to see if they're any good by googling their names and reading the reviews, if there are any.

  • Question regarding emotional strenght

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  • Quick question

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    I used to have a problem with my emotions controlling me, but now I mostly always in control of them. I think it's when I started to become more cognizant of them that I was able to control them. That's not to say that I can instantly make myself happy or joyful, but when I notice that I'm feeling a negative emotion I can tone it down quite a bit and sometimes make it disappear completely.

  • Lack of appetite

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    [quote='Emotion' pid='486' dateline='1409557495']
    I'm not sure where else to post this, but my appetite is definitely lacking. I can feel hungry, but I can't feel the urge to eat or anticipation of eating. My body is fine, it can tell my brain I'm hungry, but my brain doesn't care and doesn't give me the feeling or desire to eat. Eating becomes a chore and depresses me. The only thing that seems to help is intense exercise, but its effect is temporary, less than an hour, it just seems to make me want to eat food rather than desire it if that makes sense.

    The lack of appetite definitely comes from the fact that you're depressed, emotion. If you're not hungry, you shouldn't eat or, insted of that, try to eat something like a fruit, a smoothie or something healthy.
    Intense exercise makes you feel better because it releases a lot of chemicals in your brain.

    Neverthless, if you become underweight, you should see a doctor.

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    Well, it's a good thing that you've stopped. Besides, 40 cigarettes was too much! 😮 
    But you're right. It's much better to quit progressively until you don't need it anymore. If you go cold turkey, that'll cause more harm than good.

    I did the same with FB. It creates a lot of stress and anxiety. Moreover, if you're not a social person, what's the point of it???

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